Colleen Wilson

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Colleen Wilson

Human Wormholes

February 14th, 2012 · No Comments · colleen wilson

I recently read an article on NPR that really caught my attention. The author shared an anecdote about a man whose life spanned across so many decades that he was a direct link to history. Several more examples followed, modern day ties going as far back as the 1700s.

In March I’m going to Florida to visit my grandparents, primarily to interview them and help record their history. My uncle did a similar project for my great-grandfather, and our family now has a DVD of all the memories and tales Big Papa had to share. I thought I’d do the same with my Papa and Yaya, forever immortalizing their history on disc. Though my grandparents are young, only in their mid 70’s, I’m sure they’ll have some human wormhole stories of their own.


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